Upcoming Events

Notices & Events

CFPA Quarterly Dinner at Waterman’s Brewery.
Third Tuesday of January, April, June and October, 7 PM.

All psychologists in the Cape Fear area are welcome to attend, whether or not they are members of CFPA.

Support groups in Wilmington

No endorsement is implied; only details for you to be aware of the group’s focus, and how to contact them.

Purpose Day & Time Location
Anxiety support group 1st & 3rd Thursday Pine Valley United Meth. Church 3788 Shipyard Blvd. Wilmington Dr. Savard, 763 8134 for details
Anxiety, panic, depression, OCD, bipolar support group Wednesday 3:30-5:000 PM The Oaks Hospital – conference room Wilmington Mary: 343 0721
Bariatric surgery support: Post-op: Addresses post-op lifestyle, and body image changes, accountability and support for continued weight loss and maintenance. Every other Tues., 6:00-7:30 PM. Chrysalis Counseling Center 3806 Park Ave. Wilmington 790 9500
Body image group. Designed for young adult women to explore the impact of body image and eating disorder behavior on their everyday lives, including strengthening self-esteem and building a positive self-image. Chrysalis Center 3240 Burnt Mill Dr.#1 Wilmington 910 790 9500
Cancer support group for adult patients Call for schedule 2202 Wrightsville Ave. Wilmington 910 833 8370 Catherine Butler
Chronic pain support group for patients & their family members. Free; peer support in managing physical, emotional, social and logistical complications that accompany living with chronic pain. See website for details. Sarah Brownlee, LCSW Balance Integrative Care PLLC 217 N. 5th Ave., #103 Wilmington 232 5778
Dialectical Behavior Therapy skills group for adults, adolescents Call for details. Delta Behavioral Health 1920 Tradd Ct. 343 6890 Jane St. John
Divorced, separated or widowed support group (“all denominations welcome”) St. Brendan’s 5101 Ocean Hwy. W. Shallotte 910 754 8544
Dual addiction in women for eating disorders and substances. Every other Tues., 5:30 – 7 PM Chrysalis Center 3240 Burnt Mill Dr.#1 Wilmington 910 790 9500
Eating disorders – support for family members. Topics include: basics of eating disorder, understanding medical exams and testing, nutrition basics, family stress reduction, sibling concerns, boundaries, school issues, communication, resources. Chrysalis Center 3240 Burnt Mill Dr.#1 Wilmington 910 790 9500
Girls support groups: Adolescents (ages 13-16): addressing issues such as body image, self-esteem, relationships, family issues College age women: addressing eating and body image, depression & anxiety, family & relationshipissues, stages of life transition. Every other Tues., 6 PM. Every other Monday, 6-7:30 PM Chrysalis Center 3240 Burnt Mill Dr.#1 Wilmington 910 790 9500
Mindful living group: DBT/ACT informed group teaching skills related to distress tolerance, mindfulness, emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness. Wednesday, 6:30 – 8 PM Chrysalis Center 3240 Burnt Mill Dr.#1 Wilmington 910 790 9500
Mindfulness Meditation Mindfulness, opening the heart, embracing joy, loving kindedness, compassion, and forgiveness Wed., 6-7:15 PM $12./session McKay Acupuncture 4916 Wrightsville Ave. Wilmington Call Jen for details: 910 208 0518
Pregnancy & Parenting group. Pregnancy: preparing emotionally for the baby, transitioning into motherhood, learning to form a secure attachment to the baby, understanding/managing unsettling mood swings, managing anxiety and fear about childbirth and parenting, post-partum depression, discussing highs & lows of pregnancy and parenting, connecting with other mothers, and self-care while pregnant and post-partum. Motherhood: forming a secure attachment (both mothers and fathers), feeling overwhelmed, feelings of guilt, intimate relationships after baby, body image, birth trauma, postpartum, depression, and anxiety. Chrysalis Center 3240 Burnt Mill Dr, #1 Wilmington, 910 790 9500
Parenting Support 1st Saturday 10 AM 3534 S. College Rd., #1 Wilmington Magdalena Bonk, 910 791 5575
Survivors group for women who’ve been the victim of any type of trauma Thursday, 5:30-7 PM Chrysalis Center 3240 Burnt Mill Dr.#1 Wilmington 910 790 9500
Transgender Support group, free Call for details. Delta Behavioral Health 1606 Physician’s Dr., #104 Wilmington 343 6890
Transgender Support group for family members, free. Advance screening is required. Call for details. Delta Behavioral Health 1606 Physician’s Dr., #104 Wilmington 343 6890
Trauma survivors group. Explore the chronic impact that trauma has in a survivor’s life. Chrysalis Center 3240 Burnt Mill Dr.#1 Wilmington 910 790 9500
Mindful Yoga Sunday 8-10 AM 8044 Market St. Porter’s Neck 910 686 6440 Wed., 12:15-1:30 PM 5201 Oleander Dr. Wilmington 910 796 0603 Catherine Ibsen