The material offered below is meant to be informative and educational. It is intended only as a starting point for your further understanding of various issues. However, it should not be used as a way to diagnose or treat the specific needs of any individual. You should always seek professional help from a psychologist or other appropriate specialists, to address the personal issues you confront.
The information that is offered on this page is divided into two categories: ‘Professional’ and ‘Public.’ The professional material can be viewed by anyone. However, it is intended for psychologists in practice and is of a more technical nature.
The Professional files directly below are offered as general advice on professional, legal and ethical matters. They are not the opinion of the Cape Fear Psychological Association or its individual members. You should always consult an appropriate professional to help you further understand how such ethical, professional and legal standards may apply to the particulars of your own situation. If you do not have a PDF reader, a free copy of Adobe Acrobat can be downloaded.
The ‘Public’ Links offered below are intended for everyone to use. No endorsement of their content is intended either, and their being offered here is only for educational and informational purposes.
“Playstation Nation: protect your child from video game addiction” Olivia & Kurt Bruner
A Guide to Addictions: alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, nicotine
Addictions & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Addictions & Neurofeedback as a Form of Treatment
Alcohol, Legal & Illegal Drug Abuse, and Treatment Options
Domestic Violence & Drug Abuse
Electronic screens: ‘It’s digital heroin.’
Electronics Screens: Guide to Addictions and Responsible Digital Use
Information on Various Addictions
Internet addiction – information
The Ultimate Guide to Gambling Addiction
The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Addiction
” The Family ADHD Solution: A Scientific Approach to Maximizing Your Child’s Attention and Minimizing Parental Stress” by Mark Bertin
“10 Simple Solutions to Adult ADD, 2nd ed.” by Stephanie Sarkis
“Making the Grade with A+DD: a student’s guide to succeeding in college with ADD” by Stephanie Sarkis, PhD
“ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life” Judith Kohlberg, Kathleen Nadeau, PhD
“Healing ADD: the breakthrough program that allows you to see and heal the 6 types of ADD” by Daniel Amen, MD
“Making the System Work for your Child with ADHD: how to cut through red tape and get what you need from doctors, schools and healthcare plans” by Peter S. Jensen, MD
“Smart But Scattered: boost any child’s ability to get organized, resist impulses, stay focused…” Peg Dawson, EdD and Richard Guare, PhD
“Taking Charge of ADHD: the complete, authoritative guide for parents” by Dr. Russell Barkley
“The Survival Guide for Kids with ADD or ADHD” by John F. Taylor, PhD
ADHD (attention deficit disorder)
“iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant & Less Happy” by Jean Twenge
“Get out of my life, but first could you drive me & Cheryl to the mall?” Anthony E. Wolf, PhD
“Reality Gap: alcohol, drugs and sex – what parents don’t know, and teens aren’t telling” Stephen Wallace
“Social Skills Comics for Teens” Elizabeth Bennett
“The girls’ guide to guys: straight talk for teens on flirting, dating, breaking up, making up, and finding true love” Julie Taylor
“The teenage guy’s survival guide: the real deal on girls, growing up, and other guy stuff” Jeremy Daldry
A Student’s Guide to Balancing Stress
Alcohol & Drug Abuse information for youth
Columbine Shooter’s Mother Reckons with Guilt & Loss podcast
Electronic screens: ‘It’s digital heroin.’
Guide to Mental Health in College
How to Maintain Mental and Physical health in College
How to talk to teen boys about dating and sex
Mental Health Awareness for Teens
Mental Health Crisis Guide for Schools
Mental Health for College Students
Schools Turn to Software for Suicide Prevention podcast
Teen Depression: A guide for parents
Teen Suicide: Resources for parents, teens and educators
The College Mental Health Crisis: learning how to cope
The Science of the Teenage Brain podcast
The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Addiction
Top 5 Mental Health Problems Facing College Students
With Pressure to Succeed, High School Suicides Rise podcast
8 Alcohol & Drug Rehab Centers in North Carolina
Addictions & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Adding exercise can help treat addiction
Alcohol and Drug Abuse information for youth
Alcohol and Drug DUI: the assorted costs to you
Alcohol, Legal & Illegal Drug Abuse, and Treatment Options
An Interactive Lesson Guide for Parents & Teachers to Teach Kids about Alcohol & Drugs
College Substance Abuse Statistics, Facts & Recovery: the complete guide
Coping with Grief from the Unexpected Death of an Addicted Love One
Drug (legal & illegal) and alcohol abuse assistance guide
Effects of Illegal and other Drugs
Information on Addiction and Treatment of Alcohol, Prescription & Illegal Drugs
Information on Fentanyl, Detox & Treatment
Marijuana: the brain changer podcast
“Social Skills Comics: Handling Anger in School, ages 7-12” Kiki Cahn & Lawrence Shapiro, PhD
“What to do when your temper flares: a kid’s guide to overcoming problems with anger” by Dawn Huebner, PhD
“Healing Anxiety & Depression: the revolutionary brain based program that allows you to see and heal the 7 types of anxiety and depression” by Daniel G. Amen, MD
“Social skills comics: handling anxiety in school, ages 7-12” Michael Canavan & Lawrence Shapiro, PhD
“A parent’s guide to Asperger syndrome and high functioning autism” by Sally Ozonoff and Geraldine Dawson
“Asperger’s Syndrome: A guide for parents and professionals” by Tony Atwood
“More than words: helping parents promote communication & social skills in children with autism spectrum disorder” by Fern Sussman
“Navigating the social world” Jeanette McAfee
“Solving behavior problems in autism” Linda Hodgon
“The Asperger’s Answer Book: professional answers to 275 of the top questions parents ask” by Susan Ashley, PhD
“The Source for Nonverbal Learning Disorders” by Sue Thompson
“Understanding the nature of autism” Janice Janzen
“Visual strategies for improving communication: practical supports for school and home” Linda Hodgon
A New Paradigm for Thinking about Autism podcast
Autism Spectrum & Online College
Communicating with an Autistic Child: a parent’s guide
Designing a play space for children with autism
Estate Planning for Parents of Kids with Autism
Is a Therapy Dog Right for Your Child with Autism?
My Autism Team: social networking (activities, finding parents & providers, Q&A)
Reduce the Noise: help loved ones with sensory overload enjoy shopping
TEACCH – Autism spectrum disorders – NC
Teaching Social Skills to Autistic Teens podcast
“Bipolar disorder for Dummies” Candida Fink, MD
“The Bipolar Teen: what you can do to help your child & your family” David Miklowitz, PhD & Elizabeth George, PhD
“Borderline & beyond, revised” Laura Paxton
“Borderline & beyond: workbook and personal journal, revised” Laura Paxton
“The executive brain: frontal lobes & the civilized mind” Elkhonon Goldberg
Brain Function & Structure: “Mapping the Mind” Rita Carter
Brain injury: repetitive blows
Dr. Daniel Amen’s brain research
Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (HBOT) & TBI
Preserve Your Memory, Preserve Your Life
Stroke Information & Resource Guide
“How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk” Faber & Mazlish
“Speak up and get along: tools to make friends, stop teasing, and feel good about yourself” Scott Cooper
“Childhood speech, language & listening problems: what every parent should know” Patricia Hamaguchi
“Help Me, I’m sad: recognizing, treating and preventing childhood and adolescent depression” David Fassler, MD and Lynne Dumas
“The kids guide to working out conflicts – how to keep cool, stay safe, and get along” by Naomi Drew, M.A.
Childhood Trauma Leads to Brains Wired for Fear podcast
Creating Sensory-Friendly Space for Sensory Processing Disorder Kids
Oppositional defiant & conduct disorder
Reactive attachment disorder: “Healing parents: helping wounded children learn to trust and love”
Assisted Living Benefits for Veterans
Guide to Veterans and Addiction
Mental Health Service Providers for Veterans
Military Links – Support (updated 9/13/2021)
Military: PTSD information for veterans
Military-to-Civilian Resume Support
VA hotline thru the White House – phone number to complain about poor quality service: 855 948 2311
Vet Centers (offering care including for the other than honorably discharged)
Veterans: encouraging them to get mental health care
Wounded warrior support across the different services
“How to talk so kids will listen, & listen so kids will talk” Faber & Mazlish
“Messages: the communications skill book, 2nd edition” Matthew McKay, PhD, Martha Davis PhD, Patrick Fanning
“Social skills comics: conversational skills in school, ages 7-12” Michael Canavan & Lawrence Shapiro, PhD
“Speak up and get along: tools to make friends, stop teasing, and feel good about yourself” Scott Cooper
“You & your military hero: building positive thinking skills during your hero’s deployment. Adult guided activities and games for ages 5-12” Sara Jensen-Fritz, MS, Paula Jones-Johnson, MEd, Thea Zitow, MEd
Vet to Vet: online chat, assessment, resources, support for vets & their family
“Help Me, I’m Sad: recognizing, treating and preventing childhood and adolescent depression” David Fassler, MD and Lynne Dumas
“Winter Blues, revised edition” Norman Rosenthal
Antidepressants: how effective are they? Podcast
Anxiety, Depression and Sleep Alternatives to Meds
Aspartame (‘Equal,’ ‘Nutrasweet’) and Depression
CBT: “A Clinician’s Guide to Think Good-Feel Good: using CBT with children and young people” Paul Stallard
Comparing Exercise to Medication for Treatment of Depression
Depression as a risk factor for heart disease podcast
Do Antidepressants Drugs Really Work? video
Do Antidepressants Work? podcast
Post Partum Depression: symptoms, risk factors and treatment options
SAD: How to Beat Winter Blues & Seasonal Affective Disorder
Students Coping with Grief and Loss at School
Teen Depression: A guide for parents
The Rise of Postpartum Depression in Fathers
“Your Defiant Child: 8 steps to better behavior, 2nd ed.” by Barkley & Benton
“No More Misbehavin’: 38 difficult behaviors & how to stop them” Michele Borba, EdD
“Parenting Your Out of Control Teenager: 7 steps to reestablish authority & reclaim love” Scott Sells, PhD
“Does Wednesday Mean Mom’s House or Dad’s? Parenting Together while living apart” Marc Ackerman
“The Co-Parenting Survival Guide: letting go of conflict after a difficult divorce” Elizabeth Thayer, PhD, and Jeffrey Zimmerman, PhD
“Why did you have to get a divorce? And when can I get a hamster? A guide to parenting through divorce” Anthony Wolf, PhD
6 Surprising Myths about Domestic Violence
Cell Phone Safety for Intimate Partner Violence Survivors
Courage, Hope & Your Finances: financial help for women in abusive relationships
Domestic violence – North Carolina
Domestic Violence & Abuse: signs of abusive relationships
Domestic Violence and Drug Abuse
Domestic Violence Definition, Statistics, Awareness, Law & Advocacy
Domestic Violence Hotline: 800 799 7233
International Domestic Violence Resource Guide
(Text)book recordings – for blind and dyslexics
“A workbook for dyslexia: systematically walk your child through the process of learning to read and write, 2nd ed” by Cheryl Orlassino
“The gift of dyslexia” by Ron Davis
Eyeglass solutions for dyslexia
Speech-to-text/text-to-speech software – for dyslexics
“Aging: Preventing Alzheimer’s” by Drs. William Shankle & Daniel Amen
Assisted Living Facilities near Wilmington, NC
Assisted Living for Seniors with Clinical Depression
Assisted Living Options for Low-Income Elders
Common Scams that Target the Elderly
Disaster Planning & Recovery for Seniors
Drug & Alcohol Rehab Programs for Senior Citizens
Fall Prevention in the Elderly
Financial Assistance & Funding Options for Assisted Living
Find Assisted Living Options Today
Guide to Decluttering & Downsizing for Seniors
Guide to Sleep Studies for Seniors
Healthy Diet Foods for Older Adults
How Seniors Can Access Care from Home: a guide to remote healthcare options
How to Keep Elderly Loved Ones Safe from Online Scams
Memory Care Resources for Veterans (information on dementia)
Mental Health Services Covered by Medicare
Preserve Your Memory, Preserve Your Life
Protecting Mom & Dad: a practical guide to help seniors spot and prevent elder financial fraud
Senior Housing for Low-Income Residents
Senior Housing Guide: a guide to aging in place & deciding when to transition to assisted living
Senior Lifestyle Guide for Preventing Memory Disorders
Stroke Information & Resource Guide
“Epilepsy: patient & family practice guide, 3rd edition” Orrin Devinsky, MD
Seizures: video on the different types
Seizures: video on their causes
Seizures: video on their diagnosis
“ASAP: ages, stages & phases – from infancy to adolescence” Patricia Fosarelli, MD
“The Pocket Parent” Help! What to do when your 2-5 year old has tantrums, bites a friend…” Gail Reichlin & Caroline Winkler
“When the brain can’t hear: unraveling the mystery of auditory processing disorder” by Teri James Bellis, PhD
Best Colleges for Students with a Learning Disabilty
Do2Learn: resources for academics, behavior management, disabilities, social skills
Financial Aid & Scholarships for Students with Disabilities
Hill School of Wilmington – for learning disabilities and ADHD, grades 1-8
Home Schooling & Special Needs Children
Improving Reading Comprehension in College
Learning Disabilities & Neurofeedback
Learning Disabilities & Online College
Learning Disabilities of America
Mental Health Resources for Online College Students
The Complete Guide to Scholarships for Students with Disabilities
“Courage after fire: coping strategies for troops returning from Iraq & Afghanistan and their families”
“You & your military hero: building positive thinking skills during your hero’s deployment. Adult guided activities and games for ages 5-12” Jensen-Fritz, Jones-Johnson, and Zitow
Camp Lejeune’s previously contaminated water supply and possible toxic effects
Financial Relief & Discount Guide for Veterans with Disabilities
Memory Care Resources for Veterans (information on dementia)
Military Family Links – Support
Military Family Support – Links (updated 9/2021)
Military-to-Civilian Resume Support
Motorcycle Therapy & Safety for Vets and Active Military
North Carolina Resources for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors
Operation Autism: a resource guide for military families
PTSD information for veterans, families and professionals
Real Warriors: information for Active, Guard, Reserve, Families, Vets and Professionals
Treatment of PTSD through Neurofeedback – video
Understanding a Veteran with PTSD
VA hotline thru the White House – phone number to complain about poor quality service: 855 948 2311
Veterans parenting toolkit: separate guides for new borns through teens
“Breakthrough parenting for children with special needs – raising the bar of expectations” Judy Winter
“No more misbehavin’: 38 difficult behaviors and how to stop them” Michele Borba, EdD
“Parenting your out of control teenage: 7 steps to re-establish authority” Scott P. Sells, PhD
Veteran parenting toolkit: separate guides for new borns through teens
“Straight talk about psychological testing for kids” by Drs. Ellen Braaten & Gretchen Felopulos
Guide to Sleep Studies for Seniors
How Technology Impacts Your Sleep & What To Do About It
How to Sleep Better Without Medication
Living Longer, Living Better – sleep the forgotten key to health and wellness podcast
Parents Guide for Healthy Sleep in Children
Sleeping pills and alternatives podcast
What You Need To Know About Insomnia
Your Guide to Better Sleep & Mental Health
“The Science of Making Friends: helping socially challenged teens and young adults” by Elizabeth Laugeson
“Social skills comics for teens” Elizabeth Bennett
“Social skills comics: conversational skills in school, ages 7-12” Michael Canavan & Lawrence Shapiro, PhD
“Social skills comics: handling anger in schools, ages 7-12” Kiki Cahn & Lawrence Shapiro, PhD
“Social skills comics: handling anxiety in school, ages 7-12” Michael Canavan & Lawrence Shapiro, PhD
“Social skills comics: learning self-control in school, ages 7-12” Kiki Cahn & Lawrence Shapiro, PhD
Born Bashful? Learning how to manage shyness podcast
Helping your child make friends podcast
Schools Turn to Software for Suicide Prevention podcast
Suicide Text Hotline, 24/7 Anonymous & Confidential: text HOME to 741741
Teen Suicide: Resources for parents, teens and educators
With Pressure to Succeed, High School Suicides Rise podcast
Addictions & Neurofeedback – research for professionals
Alcohol, Legal & Illegal Drug Abuse, and Treatment Options
Alcohol & Drugs, HIV & AIDS: Confidentiality
Alcohol abuse/dependence diagnosis – pocket guide
Alcohol Screening Questions – (AUDIT)
Best Practices: Substance Abuse
Clinical Practice Guideline for Alcohol Abuse
Clinical Practice Guideline for Substance Abuse
PTSD & Substance Abuse in Veterans, and more effective tx’ments podcast
Treating the invisible wounds of war: PTSD & Substance abuse
Best Practices: Assessing & Treating Suicidal Behaviors
Best Practices: Childhood Assessment
Best Practices: Childhood Bipolar
Best Practices: Childhood Custody Evaluations
Best Practices: Childhood Depression
Best Practices: Childhood Medication
Best Practices: Childhood PTSD
Best Practices: Conduct Disorder
Best Practices: Eating Disorders
Best Practices: Generalized Anxiety Disorders
Best Practices: Major Depression
Best Practices: Medication assisted treatment for Opioid Addiction
Best Practices: Substance Abuse
Clinical Practice Guideline: Alcohol Abuse
Clinical Practice Guideline: Bipolar in Adults
Clinical Practice Guideline: Childhood Bipolar
Clinical Practice Guideline: Concussion/mTBI
Clinical Practice Guideline: Major Depression
Clinical Practice Guideline: Post-Deployment Health
Clinical Practice Guideline: Schizophrenia
Clinical Practice Guideline: Substance Abuse
Clinical Practice Guideline: Suicide
Best Careers for Psychology Majors
Child Counseling and Licensing
Graduate School Success for Students with Disabilities
Making a Difference in Mental Health Careers
Mental Health Counseling & Licensing
Military: free CE courses on various topics for providers (through AHEC)
On-line Master’s Counseling Training
Online Psychology Degrees (Bachelor’s, Masters, PhD)
Psychology Degree Programs in NC
Psychology Internships Directory
Psychology Scholarships (still more)
Resources for Psychology Students
Social Work: From Education to Career
What’s It Take To Be A Counselor?
Where do Psychology Majors End Up? Bachelor’s vs. Master’s Degrees
Best Practices Guidelines: ADHD
Best Practices: Assessment & Treatment of Youth in Juvenile Detention Centers
Best Practices: Childhood Assessment
Best Practices: Childhood Bipolar
Best Practices: Childhood Custody Evaluations
Best Practices: Childhood Depression
Best Practices: Childhood Medication
Best Practices: Childhood PTSD
Best Practices: Conduct Disorder
Best Practices: Eating Disorders
Best Practices: Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Best Practices: Language & Learning Disabilities
Bipolar Disorder – Childhood Onset podcast
Child & Adolescent Mental Health – national survey
Clinical Practice Guideline for Childhood Bipolar Disorder
Dot Mil Docs: military children coping with change podcast
Pediatric Screening Checklist (screening tool for Mass. General Hospital)
Dot Mil Docs: military children coping with change podcast
Military PTSD: clinical recommendations for treating it
OEF/OIF Deployments and Effects on Military Families
Practice Guidelines for the Military: management of bipolar adults
Practice Guidelines for the Military: post deployment health evaluation
Practice Guidelines for the Military: PTSD management
Treating the Invisible Wounds of War: welcoming home those who served & treating families podcast
Addictions & Neurofeedback – research for professionals
Anxiety & Neurofeedback Research
Autism & Neurofeedback for Professionals
Depression & Neurofeedback for Professionals
Learning Disabilities & Neurofeedback for Professionals
Peak Performance & Neurofeedback for Professionals
Psychological Health and Neurofeedback: Remediating PTSD and TBI
PTSD & Neurofeedback for Professionals
TBI & Neurofeedback for Professionals
ABA Credentialing – application through Value Options
Aetna’s Behavioral Health Manual
Articles for Clinicians Using Social Media
Blue Cross Provider Manual 2008
Coastal Care LME: information for providers
CPT Codes: 2012/2013 Crosswalk (4 separate files)
CPT: coding, documentation & billing for psychological services
EAP Standards & Professional Guidelines
Emailing clients – ethical considerations
Malpractice & Licensing Pitfalls: a defense attorney’s list
National Provider ID – on-line application
NC Psychologists: licensing, income, trends
NCPA Board & Contact Information 2014-2015
Psychology Licensing Boards & Laws – North America
Psychology Licensure Requirements, by State
Tricare – Hx, MSE, & Tx Record Form guidelines
Tricare Practitioner Treatment Record Review Tool
Tricare Provider Handbook: 2013-2014 (North region)
UBH Treatment Record Documentation
Value Options Provider Handbook, 2014-2015
Alcohol & Drugs, HIV & Aids – Confidentiality
Child Abuse: North Carolina Law
Confidentiality Laws in NC for MH
Ethics – development and practice
Forensic Specialty Guidelines – APA 2011
HIPAA 2013 Regs affecting use of web, email, fax, Skype
HIPAA Security: computer files & email encryption software
Involuntary hospitalizations: mental illness and dangerousness, rules
Minors: definition, confidentiality & release of information
NC General Statutes (see #122C for MH, DD, and substance abuse laws)
North Carolina Involuntary Hospitalization: definitions, regulations, forms to use
Psychology Regulations – North Carolina
Record Keeping Requirements for NC Psychologists
Release of raw psychological test data – appendix to TCN article
Release of raw psychological test data – The Clinical Neuropsychologist
Release of raw psychological test data & related legal issues – Psych Corp’s/Pearson’s position
Tarasoff: Duty to Warn in North Carolina
Best Practices: Childhood PTSD
Military PTSD: clinical recommendations for treating it
Practice Guidelines for the Military: PTSD management
PTSD & Neurofeedback for Professionals
PTSD & Substance Abuse in Veterans, and more effective tx’ments podcast
PTSD Checklist – Gulf War Veterans
Review of Different Treatments for PTSD in Military and Veteran Populations: Initial Assessment
Treating the Invisible Wounds of War: PTSD & Substance abuse podcast
Treating the Invisible Wounds of War: PTSD & Substance abuse, podcast part 2
Treating the Invisible Wounds of War: therapy for war-related trauma – 5 central principles podcast
Phone: 816 651 1750
Therapy for kids, adults, couples. Testing for psychological, intellectual, disabilities, and neuropsychological.
5004 Oleander Dr. Wilmington, 28403
Phone: 910 444 1837
Therapy for adults and adolescents (ages 13 on up), including anxiety, trauma recovery, eating disorders, general women’s issues.
1241-A Military Cutoff Rd. Wilmington, 28405
Phone: 910 961 7262
Memory functioning in adults, and therapy for caregivers of patients with dementia
*ONLY for UNCW practicum students